PIPC Securities Limited

We are the most reliable and outstanding stock, securities and commodity broking firm.

PIPC Securities Limited

PIPC Securities Limited began as the Capital Market Department of Plateau Investment and Property Development Company Limited on the 28th of March, 1994. In 1997, our status changed following our incorporation (RC NO 321942) with an initial Authorized Capital of N15,000,000.00. Today, as a 100% subsidiary of Plateau Investment and Property Development Company Limited (PIPC Ltd), PIPC Securities Limited has a current paid up share capital of N560,000,000.00. We are fully registered with:

PIPC's Offered Investment Sectors

From fertile agricultural land to rich mineral deposits and breathtaking tourist destinations, Plateau offers diverse investment opportunities. PIPC, your trusted partner, makes it easy to navigate the process and turn your vision into reality.

Hospitality Industry

Experience the warmth of Plateau’s hospitality! PIPC aids entrepreneurs in breathing new life into neglected hotels, resorts, and cultural attractions.  Embrace unique experiences, boost tourism, and showcase the state’s rich heritage.

Tourism Sector

Discover the hidden gems of Plateau with PIPC! Revive forgotten tourist attractions, cultural sites, and eco-destinations. Unlock the state’s breathtaking natural beauty, rich heritage, and immersive experiences that captivate visitors from near and far. 

Agro-allied Industry

Unlock Plateau’s agricultural bounty with PIPC! Transform idle farms and processing plants into thriving agribusinesses.  Capitalize on rich resources, boost food security, and drive sustainable growth for local communities.

Mining Industry

Tap into Plateau’s mineral wealth with PIPC! Revive abandoned mining sites, implement responsible practices, and extract valuable resources that power industries and prosperity.  Unearth opportunities, create jobs, and drive sustainable mining.

Health Sector

Elevate Plateau’s healthcare landscape! PIPC empowers entrepreneurs to revitalize neglected facilities and bring modern medical services to underserved communities.  Invest in quality care, create jobs, and improve lives across the state.

Food Processing Industry

From farm to table, PIPC fuels Plateau’s culinary renaissance! Revamp dormant food processing facilities, introduce innovative products, and savor the flavors of a booming industry. Nourish local economies and tantalize taste buds.

Vision Statement

Our Vision is “To provide effective, efficient and technologically driven services with a view to creating sustainable value for our stakeholders.” Clearly, we are set to actualize the dream that every investor would want and that is value addition both vertically and horizontally across board. We aspire to became the security market of choice in Nigeria with our core value as; value to people, fair dealing, transparency, integrity and full disclosure.

Our Core Objectives

We support sustainable growth for enterprises for value creation and addition in terms of wealth creation, employment generation, poverty reduction, improved standard of living etc.

Promote and inculcate diversified investment culture among investors with a view to maximizing their wealth.

Act as a catalyst to the growth and development of Corporate Organizations and the economy by helping both the Company and Governments to access large pool of funds existing in the Nigerian Capital Market.


Serve as a credible corporate platform to link-up and attract foreign investors to Invest in Nigeria especially in Plateau State.


To improve the income generation capacity of both individuals and Governments by the efficient management of the portfolios for maximum yield.

...think investment, think PIPC

Third Floor Murtala House

37 Murtala Mohammed Way

P.M.B 20888, Jos Plateau State