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Plateau Investment and Property Development Company (PIPC) Limited

Your Gateway to Exceptional Real Estate and Property Development Solutions

PIPC's Offered Investment Opportunities

From fertile agricultural land to rich mineral deposits and breathtaking tourist destinations, Plateau offers diverse investment opportunities. PIPC, your trusted partner, makes it easy to navigate the process and turn your vision into reality.

Hospitality Industry

Experience the warmth of Plateau’s hospitality! PIPC aids entrepreneurs in breathing new life into neglected hotels, resorts, and cultural attractions.  Embrace unique experiences, boost tourism, and showcase the state’s rich heritage.

Tourism Sector

Discover the hidden gems of Plateau with PIPC! Revive forgotten tourist attractions, cultural sites, and eco-destinations. Unlock the state’s breathtaking natural beauty, rich heritage, and immersive experiences that captivate visitors from near and far. 

Agro-allied Industry

Unlock Plateau’s agricultural bounty with PIPC! Transform idle farms and processing plants into thriving agribusinesses.  Capitalize on rich resources, boost food security, and drive sustainable growth for local communities.

Mining Industry

Tap into Plateau’s mineral wealth with PIPC! Revive abandoned mining sites, implement responsible practices, and extract valuable resources that power industries and prosperity.  Unearth opportunities, create jobs, and drive sustainable mining.

Health Sector

Elevate Plateau’s healthcare landscape! PIPC empowers entrepreneurs to revitalize neglected facilities and bring modern medical services to underserved communities.  Invest in quality care, create jobs, and improve lives across the state.

Food Processing Industry

From farm to table, PIPC fuels Plateau’s culinary renaissance! Revamp dormant food processing facilities, introduce innovative products, and savor the flavors of a booming industry. Nourish local economies and tantalize taste buds.

About Us

Plateau Investment Company (PIC) Limited the precursor to the Plateau Investment and Property Development Company (PIPC) Limited was incorporated in June 1977 and wholly owned by the Plateau State Government. The Plateau Investment and Property Development Company (PIPC) Limited is a product of the merger of four (4) organizations aimed at streamlining the activities of all the agencies connected with the promotion of industrial and business development in Plateau State. These agencies include: Plateau State Small and Medium Industries Promotion and Development Agency (PSMIPDA); Plateau State Housing Corporation (PHC); Plateau Industrial Development Authority (PIDA) and Plateau Investment Company Limited.

Our Services

Stock Brokerage
Capital Market Fund Access
Fund/Portfolio Management
Investment Advisory Services
Research Services

Our Investment properties include:


Discover your ideal home with our range of thoughtfully designed residential properties.


Empower your business with our strategically located and versatile commercial properties.


Indulge in luxury living with our exquisite collection of upscale properties.

Our Recent Articles

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The Ultimate Guide to Investing in Residential Real Estate

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...think investment, think PIPC

Third Floor Murtala House

37, Murtala Mohammed Way

P.M.B 20888, Jos Plateau State