Structure of Our Organization

PIPC Organization

The Plateau Investment and Property Development Company (PIPC) Limited is organized with a Board of Directors and a Management Team. The Management Team is headed by the Managing Director who is also the Chief Executive. Plateau Investment and Property Development Company (PIPC) Limited today, has three (3) functional departments and three (3) Units each headed by a Deputy General Manager or Assistant General Manager


Investment Department


Legal Unit
Corporate Planning & Consultancy Unit

The Board Of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Plateau Investment and Property Development Company (PIPC) Limited derives its power from the relevant provisions of the Companies Act and also from the provisions of the memorandum and articles of Association of the Company.

The Management Committee

The Management Committee of Plateau Investment and Property Development Company (PIPC) Limited oversees the day to day running of the company and takes responsibility for translating and executing policies as laid down by the Board.

...think investment, think PIPC

Third Floor Murtala House

37 Murtala Mohammed Way

P.M.B 20888, Jos Plateau State